Ferdowsi University of MashhadFaculty of Engineering Intelligent Systems Society of IranIFSS100ifsalogo100sciip_logo100riaziIEEE

Call for Competitions

The organizing committee of CCI2020 has decided to hold competitions based on real problems from the industry. Accordingly, interested industries are invited to submit their problems related to artificial intelligence to the Competitions Chair, Dr. Saeid Abrishami (s-abrishami{AT}, and the CCI2020 secretariate (, by November 6, 2019.

Each proposal should contain (a) a description of a real problem from the industry, including its goals and rules, b) its input and output data, if applicable, (c) the evaluation procedure, (d) suggested award level and industry support, and (e) a biography of the organizers including their contact information. If there are any real data about the problem, please provide detailed guidelines on how the participants may access it.

All proposals will be evaluated by the Competitions Committee, and the accepted proposals will be announced by November 22, 2019. All accepted proposals will be announced as a competition, and the best solution(s) will be awarded by the Competitions Committee.

Important Dates

Paper Submission Deadline (extended)

December 16th , 2019

January 20th , 2020

Notification of Acceptance
January 12th , 2020(on-time submissions)

February 4th, 2020 (submissions during extended deadline)

Camera-ready Paper Submission Deadline

August 21st, 2020

Early Bird  & Paper Registration Deadline

February 12th, 2020

Regular Paper Registration Deadline

February 19th, 2020

Conference Dates

2-4 September 2020

Conference Poster


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