برگزار کنندگان
Ferdowsi University of MashhadFaculty of Engineering Intelligent Systems Society of IranIFSS100ifsalogo100sciip_logo100riaziIEEE
پوستر کنفرانس

انتخاب زبان

صفحه مناسب براي چاپگر


Due to the outspread of Corona virus in Iran, and the directives of both ministries of health and higher education, the congress is delayed to another more suitable date. Please note the following:

  1. At this time, the congress office at the university is closed. Participants may direct their inquiries only by email to cci@um.ac.ir.
  2. The new dates for the congress will be announced on the congress sites as soon as a final date is determined.
  3. The congress will continue to process paper registration and submission of camera-ready manuscripts. Respected authors should follow the process of electronic registration and submission of their camera-ready papers as before. Details and deadlines are explained on the congress website.

We look forward to the earliest possibility to meeting you at the congress in Mashhad. We would like to take this opportunity to wish the nation’s scientific and industrial community of computational intelligence a happy New Year. May the New Year bring you all excellent health, lots of happiness, and manor accomplishments in serving humanity.

Conference Secretariat

2020 Joint Congress on Computational Intelligence

تاريخ هاي مهم

مهلت ارسال مقالات

25 آذر 1398

30 دي 1398

اعلام نتايج داوري مقالات

22 دي 1398(ارسال به موقع)

15 بهمن 1398(ارسال ديرهنگام)

مهلت ارسال نسخه آماده چاپ

30 مرداد 1399

مهلت ثبت نام زودهنگام

23 بهمن 1398

مهلت ثبت نام مقاله 

30 بهمن 1398

تاريخ برگزاري کنگره

12 تا 14 شهريور 1399


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  تعداد بازدید کنندگان :373085
©2016 Ferdowsi University of Mashhad.